Chicago Departures |
Nightly Dinner Cruises from Union Station in Downtown Chicago. Dine in our elegant dining car and finish the evening off with dancing in our newly renovated "dance car". |
Railcars may also be used "Static" for banquets or other events at Union Station or AMTRAK's yard facility. |
Sleep on a train. Instead of renting an expensive hotel suite, why not sleep on a luxury train car in Chicago, St. Louis or Kansas City? Be treated like royalty in your own private luxury railcar! |
Capital limited: special charters to Springfield (Illinois' state capital) for group trips. |
University Express Departs Chicago for:
- University of Illinois (Champaign Urbana)
- Eastern Illinois University (Charleston/Matton)
- Southern Illinois University (Carbondale)
Throw this year's office holiday party on a Train. A holiday buffet with drinks for you and your staff on your own private railcar! |
Plan A A three-hour train trip for cocktail parties out of Chicago Union Station. The actual route is aChicago-to-Milwaukee round trip. |
Plan B Chicago-to-Milwaukee with a two-hour layover and bus travel door-to-door to a famous landmark resturaunt. Door-to-door bus back to the train and 90 minutes of cocktails and fun for the journey back to Union Station Chicago. |