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What are the levels of editing?
There are essentially three levels of editing: light (proofreading), medium (copy editing) and heavy (substantive).
What is copy editing?
A medium edit, also referred to as copy editing, requires more time than proofreading. At this level, the editor attends to writing style, deletes unnecessary words, substitutes new words for those used incorrectly or awkwardly and ensures that words are placed in the proper order to convey your meaning. The editor may also rearrange sentences within paragraphs to create a more logical flow of ideas.
I pay particular attention to fixing such errors as:
  • Indirection — the slipping of new information into a narrative as if the reader already knew it.
  • Confusion between restrictive and nonrestrictive phrases and clauses. “That” goes with restrictive clauses, and, ordinarily, “which” goes with nonrestrictive.
  • Careless repetition
  • Elegant variation
  • Singular subjects with plural verbs and vice versa
  • Dangling modifiers
  • Solecisms and problems of sequence and logic
  • Substantive editing — What is that?
    If you are having difficulty with a rough draft, I can help identify where deeper changes can have a positive impact. In substantive editing, or heavy editing, I may suggest changes in the structure of the material, create a new outline, propose additions or deletions, recommend changes in tone or emphasis and insert readability aids such as headings, italic or bold type and lists. At this level, I may ask you to rewrite portions of the material or may do so myself at your request.
    What does an editor offer?
    I can bring judgment, expertise and imagination to your manuscript. I use the English language with professional accuracy and have spent years discerning nuances of grammar and syntax.
    Beyond literary considerations, there are serious practical reasons for hiring an experienced editor. If your product is intended for print, I will shop around on your behalf and find an appropriate firm.
    I will communicate with the printer in advance to verify that final proofs will convert properly into camera-ready artwork. Too often, the pre-press staff of a printing firm has to explain to a would-be customer that Microsoft Word documents just don't work. I will make sure such rookie mistakes don't blow your deadline.
    What types of service does BYRONIK.COM provide?
    Despite the grand title of executive editor, my responsiblities frequently included having to personally layout and compile small publications such as the official programs for the City of Chula Vista's annual "Music by the Bay" events, its annual Lemon Festival, its Cinco de Mayo celebrations, its Starlight Yuletide Parade, National City's Automobile Heritage Day and an occasional special publication for California's largest high-school district.
    More recent projects for private clients include the program for the Community Coaching Center's Beach Bash for Autism Awareness. I have also created newspaper products and organized their timely printing at Pomerado Press and distribution by Poste Haste Mailing Services. Let me know your needs and I'll be happy to put together a comprehensive quote for publishing even a one-off product.
    If you're too busy making money to update the content on your Web site or your corporate blog, you can pay me to do it on an hourly or a per-item basis. Sadly, the industrial Web site for which I served a whole year as copy editor is no longer active because its owner Steve Loud suddenly died in the hospital after a "routine biopsy" for the treatment of his interstitial lung disease.
    Since his CompositesNews.Com domain name expired on June 23, 2007, I've uploaded a mirror of what remains of the CNI's final front page to give some idea of the quality and scope of the 40, or so, news stories we presented every week. And here's an example of the weekly "e-Blast" I used to create for his e-mail subscribers around the world.
    Some original published articles written entirely by me can be found here and there. Listen on YouTube to a radio phone-in discussion of how my newspaper career ended in 2004.
    What is the Byronik pledge?
    The level of editing you require will affect the amount of time the job will take. And it’s usually best to decide on this before the project begins rather than risk straying beyond your budget and your deadline.
    Great attention will be paid to the shape of the writing, your goals for the project and the complexity of the work. With care and attention to detail, I will ensure your writing is accurate, concise and logical.
    Michael C. Burgess
    for and on behalf of
    BYRONIK.COM Online Editorial Services

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